Cell Theory
I discovered myself as a multipotent stem cell, so I will become something in good shape and replicate myself in the future. But I was not born like this - it has been a path for me to be a stem cell. I was born as a clone of something vague. At that time, I had the reactions and imitations to address things. Over time, I felt a cumulated conflict between how I acted and how I wanted myself to be, so I degenerated and removed the backlogs behind.
The difficult part was dropping some behaviors, which meant I needed to admit that some behaviors were unauthentic and did not belong to me - how could this be, when all of them were from me? Trying to be true, I attempted to update the definition of what I am: Maybe I am not just the cell, but also the road with directions. This is correct, thereafter, I could see my location on the road so that now I can tell I am a multipotent stem cell.
As I have the road, I feel I am in this world. Some things can suppress or release my expression that is not as I wish, it causes temporary dysregulations. I am aware that my body has always been making repairs for me towards good. In the meantime, I also construct things that can give me a reason to exist. These actions define the direction of my roads, of fulfilling my body’s needs and my intentions.
Events are generally more frequent in the beginning than later. I feel that my time and my sense of where I am are also more detailed in the beginning. Things are different initially and then become more similar towards the end. Therefore, my senses of time and space are on a log scale instead of a linear one, so I am three-dimensional with perspectives. There can be layers being captured, when the focus overlaps, the other things are less captured.
Although the repetitions of the similarities remain, the roads can form turbulence when the motives overcome repetitions. Large turbulence is shaped by small ones, the small ones can sometimes be self-decomposed. When I am in turbulence, I see the stars spinning around me, like in a library. Maybe I am turning around, or maybe those stars are turning around for me. I feel calm when space has a reason to exist. It is hard to leave the turbulence, but then it makes me turn onto the road where I feel extricated and extended.